Depression & Dissociative Disorders (DID)Psychiatrists
in Atlanta, GA
Approximately 60% of people with depression do not benefit from their initial antidepressant. Even after a year, up to 20% of patients find depression impossible to conquer. Treatment of depression that is assertive from the start is critical to recovery.
Depression Psychiatrists in Atlanta, GA
There is no agreed-upon definition of treatment-resistant depression among Depression Psychiatrists in Atlanta, GA. Most doctors would agree, however, that your depression is likely therapy resistant if it has not resolved almost completely after adequate trials of at least two different medicines. You must then explore the following techniques to overcome it with the help of your doctor and/or therapist.
Most essential, discuss these treatment options with your doctor, psychiatrist, or therapist, who will do a thorough evaluation of any chosen treatment.
Along the way, you must also:
Make an effort to live well. Consume a well-balanced diet. Exercise every day (to the extent your body allows and your doctor permits). Reduce your smoking and drinking. Make an effort to maintain regular contact with loved ones. When you're depressed, none of this is easy, but overcoming treatment resistance requires you to do your part to the best of your ability.
Dissociative Disorders (DID) Psychiatrists in Atlanta, GA
The Dissociative Continuum is a phrase used to describe the evolution of dissociation. Those psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers who are familiar with dissociative states now universally recognise the existence of this continuum.
People with DID frequently exhibit symptoms of other types of dissociation. People have reported time loss, amnesia, intense feelings of being outside of oneself, and hearing internal dialogues that are not those of one's own identity. DID is a persistent, but treatable, disorder. This dissociative condition is the most stigmatized in society, and it is frequently misdiagnosed as Schizophrenia, a disorder that may be treated with medication.
According to Dissociative Disorders (DID) Psychiatrists in Atlanta, GA, there are no drugs specifically designed to treat DID. Drugs are used to treat symptoms such as sleeplessness, sadness, and anxiety; however, these medications cannot treat the condition itself.